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    1. Butter.Actual

      10/22 M1 Carbine Clone E Arthur Brown

      I’m personally an irons guy when it comes to M1’s, but I think you pulled it off better than anyone else! (What a sweet 10/22)
    2. Butter.Actual

      Favorite AR Configs

      Im quite late to the party, but Vickers all the way!
    3. Butter.Actual

      WTB: AR15 Lower Recievers, ANYTHING FLIES

      Bump, still searching
    4. Butter.Actual

      WTB: AR15 Lower Recievers, ANYTHING FLIES

      Looking for any AR15 lower, preferably of decent quality however a PSA lower will do just fine! (Do not send me your hypebeast NOVESKE lower) Willing to drive up to 2 AND A HALF HOURS from locale for the right deal, would prefer to stick to NWI
    5. Butter.Actual

      Current LTCH Wait; 2nd Edition

      I thought I couldnt do FFL transfers?
    6. Butter.Actual

      Digging deep into the stash

      I believe I have some early 50’s 30 carbine…. Somewhere
    7. Butter.Actual

      Current LTCH Wait; 2nd Edition

      Do you know how many people on here are willing to sell a handgun to a glorified fetus (18-20yo) who dont have a LTCH? The answer is barely any And I still cant buy handguns from FFL’s
    8. Butter.Actual

      Current LTCH Wait; 2nd Edition

      Just got the card in the mail, time to buy some guns
    9. Butter.Actual

      Current LTCH Wait; 2nd Edition

      03/20/2021 Applied for LTCH 03/25/2021 Fingerprints done Minor delay: 02/20/2022 Locally submitted (for free, woohoo) 02/21/2022 60 Days email Will update when it comes in!
    10. Butter.Actual

      WTB: Glock 19 Gen 4/5, P365X, DD Irons, Rifle Lights

      Interested in picking up these 2 handguns, dont care about salt level or round count. Also interested in purchasing DD Rock n Lock ironsights, a COMP M4, M300V, M600DF, insight rifle lights and other random things, shoot me a message worst I can say is no (no olight or inforce products) shoot...
    11. Butter.Actual

      Recessed 300BLKOUT build Q's

      Any reason for it being ehh, or just seems overhyped
    12. Butter.Actual

      Recessed 300BLKOUT build Q's

      Thanks for the tip on the gas block, I'll definitely grab one to check out, and I've looked at the captured springs and such before but I have friends who have too much time and money who have figured the VLTOR system to a T, so I'll obviously be sticking with it Thanks for the reply mate!
    13. Butter.Actual


      I learned something here, and I hate it Hot take of the day? Reccessed suppressors are better than normally mounted suppressors, and 1.375" is a better form factor for suppressors than 1.5"
    14. Butter.Actual

      Classified ads (lack of) information

      I feel that, I also hate seeing wtt posts where they dont put the trade item in the title, would save me like a whole 30 seconds of the day
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