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    • I know. It's why I quit reading that dang thread in the first place. But, as you can see, I got sucked back in. Grrrr. He wants to dislike/hate Israel. Not unlike the person who wants to dislike/hate guns. Facts won't change the mind of someone who has an emotional investment in continued belief of something, whatever that something is.
      That was epic BTW. He had to pass on that one. Apparently he didn't have a comeback for that one. I laughed my ass off.
      Nicely done! It seems that calling you a retard was the best he had. I can't believe he didn't say a word about my suggestion that Grandma's dog is smarter than he is. Maybe he chose to accept one item of truth without argument!
      He is one of those people who believe that you can have either Faith or intellect but not both.
      Thanks for the rep! I don't know what to think about that guy. Some times he makes sense, particularly when dealing with general liberty, but I recall him making mention of being an atheist not too long ago. If find it interesting how while one would logically expect an atheist to be indifferent toward religion, they are generally hostile to the Judeo-Christian tradition to the point of embracing sworn self-declared enemies in preference to Jews and Christians.
      Ok, I am supposed to meet a guy today for the exchange. There is one other guy who called next. If those fall through, I will get in touch with you. If the deal goes down I will close the thread and mark it sold.
      I'm interested in the CZ Shadow if it becomes available. No haggeling, I'll meet your price.

      First stationed in Yokosuka Japan (1970's -1988), then Long Beach CA.(1988-1992) Deconmissioned....
      I concur. I like Jeremy (what I know of him anyway), and more disturbing than the pile on was who was doing it. Guarantee: tomorrow or the next day or the next when someone else with most favored son status gets the same treatment, the same ones who piled on Jeremy are going to be admonishing the rest of us not to do it with cute little gifs reminding of us rulez and moderators.
      I've met a lot of operators. There is a difference between supreme confidence and airheaded arrogance.
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