Riley CC - Rimfire Madness 08-26-23 (Saturday)

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    Oct 22, 2012
    Getting this out little earlier this time.

    Rimfire Madness is a fun and exciting shooting sport at the Riley Conservation Club. It is best described as Steel Challenge on steroids with magazine fed .22 rifles and pistols. No magnums.

    This match will consist of 4 stages. Anywhere from 6 to 50 targets per stage. Start position will be low ready. At the audible start signal, engage all the targets. There will be a 2 minute par time. Your score will be your time that it takes to neutralize all the targets. If all targets aren't neutralized within the 2 minute par time, your score will be 2 minutes and the number of targets neutralized for the purposes of tie breaking.

    After the start signal, 25 round limit on rifle mags and 10 round limit on pistol mags.

    Bring plenty of ammo and magazines. You may have someone load your emptied magazines during the string, but it is recommended that you have enough to finish the course of fire, 8 pistol mags would be nice.

    $10.00 first gun
    $5.00 each additional gun
    Competitors under the age of 18 shoot free with a paying adult

    8 A.M.
    9 - 9:45 A.M. registration
    9:45 A.M. safety meeting
    10 A.M. Start

    Eye and ear protection are required. Gloves are recommended as you are required to help set the stage back up for other competitors. As with all the shooting sports, range bags, carts, water, sunscreen, umbrellas, etc. should be considered.
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    Oct 22, 2012
    Apparently I forgot to copy the stage examples. In addition to these stages we have two more smaller stages including a brand new stage. We will port a video of the new stage prior to the match.

    Example of some of the past stages: Rimfire Madness stages


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    Oct 22, 2012
    Another fun match and weather was just about perfect except humidity early in the morning.
    Hope to see everyone at the next match.

    Scores can be found HERE.

    Also, thanks for the snacks! You know who you are :D
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