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  • JCA1776
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    • Thanks for the rep, Josh! I've said it before... if you don't want to deal with having encounters because of carrying, you should CC instead. But I made my bed -- and I normally sleep peacefully in it -- so I had to lie in it this time, even if it wasn't the most opportune time.
      Hello sir! How's life in Eastern PA? Have you found a house / place to stay for a while? Living away from friends can be different / difficult some times! Been there, done that! I dated a girl from Lancaster, PA for a while back in the mid-80's. Had a few friends up there around Germantown area as well. King of Prussia Mall was pretty big back then...not sure what it's like today...been 25 years since I've been out here. I did see Michael W. Smith @ Hershey Arena once...AWESOME show! Good luck...Kevin
      Yeah, I noticed you were so consumed at work that you had no time for these important matters :-)
      Tried to give you rep for becoming a site supporter, but it says I have to spread it around some more before I can give it to you again. Oh well, I gave your wife some.
      Im tryin to get to everyone it might take a few days due to limited reps per day lol
      Gah! You have more referrals than I do! Grr... too bad you can't go back and add me as your referring member!
      Good evening the SP101! Elaine now has an SP101 in .38 Spc with a Meprolight front NS on it and Trausch grip...fits her hand to a 'T' She loves it.
      Haha yeah I totally watched the IHL scores! Wooo-hoooo!! I invited T to go to Muskegon with me for the game tonight, but she had plans with her sister already. :/
      I don't see any way to add it :( It isn't a big deal, but if you want to look into it, you might check the FAQs or maybe post the question in the forums. *shrug*
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